
登録フォーム / Registration Form

See below for the English version.



1. 個人情報の取扱いについての考え方



  1. 個人情報に適用される個人情報の取扱いに関する法律やその他の関係法令を遵守いたします。一般に公正妥当と認められる個人情報の取り扱いに関する慣行にも準拠するよう考慮して、適切に取り扱ってまいります。また、適正・適切な取り扱いを持続していくため、適宜・継続的な改善に努めてまいります。
  2. 個人情報の取扱いに関する規程を明確にし、従業者に周知徹底いたします。また、業務委託先等のお取引先に対しても適切に個人情報を取り扱うように要請いたします。
  3. 個人情報の収集に際しましては、利用目的を特定して通知または公表し、その利用目的に従って個人情報を取り扱います。
  4. 個人情報の漏洩、紛失、改ざん等を防止するために、必要な対策を講じて適切な管理を行なってまいります。
  5. 個人情報の確認・訂正・利用停止等は、誠実に対応いたします。なお、お問い合わせはご本人からのものに限らせていただきます。また、ご本人であることの確認をお願いする場合がございます。

2. 利用目的等



  1. お客様からご依頼いただきましたサービスの提供を行なうため、およびこれらに関連または付随する行為(例えば、提供したサービスに関するお客様向けサポートの提供など)を行なうため。
  2. お客様に対して、当社の商品やサービスをご紹介するため。
  3. お客様に対して、当社に対するご意見やご感想(商品およびサービスに対するご意見やご感想を含みます)のご提供をお願いするため。
  4. 今後のサービスの向上に資するため、分類された統計的資料を作成するため。
  5. 裁判所・法令等の要求により提供するため。お客様から情報のご提供を受ける際に当社が別途明示する目的のため。
  6. 上記の目的以外に、当社がお客様ご本人の同意なく個人情報を利用することはございません。

3. この基本方針の変更


4. お問い合わせ先



1. Approach to the handling of personal information

ViXion Corporation collects and uses information such as customer names, addresses, telephone numbers, and e-mail addresses in order to conduct business smoothly.

Our company recognizes that it is our important responsibility to properly handle the personal information of our customers and the personal information of our employees such as executives, employees, contract employees, etc. (hereinafter referred to as "personal information"), and we in order to fulfill our responsibility, we will handle personal information properly and safely under this policy.

  1. We will comply with laws regarding the handling of personal information and other related laws and regulations that apply to personal information. We will handle personal information appropriately, taking into account generally accepted practices regarding the handling of personal information. In addition, in order to maintain appropriate and appropriate handling, we will strive to make appropriate and continuous improvements.
  2. We will clarify the rules regarding the handling of personal information and ensure that employees are fully aware of them. We also request our business partners, including subcontractors, to handle personal information appropriately.
  3. When collecting personal information, we specify the purpose of use and notify or announce it, and handle personal information according to the purpose of use.
  4. We will take necessary measures and manage personal information appropriately to prevent leakage, loss, falsification, etc. of personal information.
  5. We will respond in good faith to requests for confirmation, correction, suspension of use, etc. of personal information. Please note that inquiries will only be made by the person in question. We may also ask you to confirm your identity.

2. Purpose of use, etc.

In order to ensure smooth business operations, our company acquires personal information necessary for business execution, but this personal information will be used for the following purposes.

In addition, in order to smoothly proceed with business, we may outsource some of our work and provide personal information to the extent necessary to the outsourcing company, but in this case, we will We will conduct appropriate supervision, including entering into contracts regarding the handling of personal information.

  1. To provide services requested by customers, and to perform activities related to or incidental to these (for example, providing support to customers regarding the provided services).
  2. To introduce our products and services to customers.
  3. To request customers to provide their opinions and impressions about our company (including opinions and impressions about our products and services).
  4. To create classified statistical data to help improve future services.
  5. To provide information in response to requests from courts, laws, etc. For purposes separately specified by our company when receiving information from customers.
  6. For purposes other than those listed above, we will not use personal information without the consent of the customer.

3. Changes to this basic policy

The content of this basic policy is subject to change if as necessary, so please refer to the latest version posted on our website for the latest content.

4. Contact information

For inquiries regarding this policy, please contact us below.

1-4-2 Nihonbashi Horidome-cho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0012
Nihonbashi North Square M2F
ViXion Inc.